If you’ve seen the TV show “Dance Moms”, forget everything you’ve seen! These kids are good friends in class and out of class. They are determined, dedicated, and GREAT FRIENDS for each other. Parents become close friends with each other as well. At Powered By Dance we care more about the people they become than the trophies they win. While dance competitions are fun, they are not why we teach. Dance is an art and a skill that takes years to master. Every member and parent on our team support these ideas and has amazing camaraderie. Any negative comments, attitudes, and judgments will not be permitted either from the PARENT OR THE STUDENT! We know that with having so many members we can run into the members clashing due to rumors or just "hear say"; but the members and coaches work through it. The dancers may not be the best of friends but they are the best dance teammates and will help each other no matter what!
If you are interested in joining, please go to our contact tab above and call or email the teachers! We will find the best team for your child. Our Open Calls are at the beginning of July. We look forward to always working with everyone and are excited about what the future holds. These teams are very important to PBD and us, Coaches, go above and beyond to ensure that this is an amazing experience for everyone involved!